CENTRUM - Marketing Collaterals
Centrum is a brand of multivitamins produced by Pfizer. In the supplement category, consumers are more than often confused and see little differentiation between different brands as they are overloaded with information on the supplements. While establishing credibility by shouting out as the No.1 brand has become a hygiene marketing statement in the category, it further creates the perception that the different brands are similar.
Consumers then fall back on price and promotion to decide which brand they use and are not loyal to the brand. Some consumers also see “more as better” - deciding on a brand of supplement simply because it shouts out a larger number of vitamins in one multivitamin.
Centrum reached out to Mashwire to help them earn back the brand loyalty by owning consumers’ mind space, as a differentiated brand in the category.
Using our Mashwire methodology, we researched and identified that consumers want to know how are the supplements beneficial to their life, not just what benefits can the supplement provide.
By understanding the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the supplements, we broke down the USP into a single-minded message and developed a series of marketing collaterals across the different products to help the brand communicate to its consumers. Integrating infographics methodology into the design, we further encouraged consumers to spend more time engaging with the marketing collaterals.
We created key visuals, print ads and digital assets such as digital banners for three of Centrum’s lines - Vit C, Enercal and MultiVitamins.
The series of visuals successfully forged the perception that the brand is differentiated and indirectly earning back the brand loyalty through engagement.

March 2021

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